Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Moment with Kim Toothpastefordinner: Finally, an explanation.


  1. The TFD family of websites have a hilarious digital square for every possible situation. Even fear of balloons.

  2. You make my day, Kim.

  3. Hi - I am a great admirer of this blog, which I've just recently discovered. I love the BSC!!

    I thought you should know that the artist Andrew Wyeth died (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28690990/)
    and I'm 99% positive that I learned about him from the BSC because Claudia liked him. I figured you should know.

  4. Kim! Lucky (online and in store) is having a pretty sweet 2day sale - including extra markdowns on jewelry - peace sign bracelets, earrings, etc.

    Anyway, I saw those and I thought of your recent jewelry posts. As always, the blog is great.
